Virtual Pigeon Game

Virtual Pigeon Game Rating: 3,6/5 9171 votes

Hunt Challenge Package

  1. Game Pigeon Online
  2. Virtual Pigeon Game For Thrones
  1. 1 day ago  More than 500 free virtual chats with Santa were offered on a first-come, first-served basis by the Pigeon Forge Department of Tourism. Santa chatted with boys and girls from California, Oregon.
  2. Test your aim at our Virtual Reality clay pigeon shooting range by using Google Cardboard and your iPhone. Look around and try to shoot down the clay pigeons by looking at them as they fly over your head.

The Pigeons Manager is an online game where you can sell/buy pigeons, manage your own loft during the breeding season and you can also compete online with opponents of all over the world. There's different pigeons in the game to meet and get to know - try see if you can hold them all. Download to have a play with some round pals. This is the finished computer version of Pigeon Game! I'm hoping to bring Pigeon Game to mobile sometime soon (hopefully), so stay tuned to. Host Your Game on Kongregate. An open platform for all web games! Get your games in front of thousands of users while monetizing through ads and virtual goods. Find documentation and support to get you started. Upload Your Game; Our Publishing Program. With our publishing program, we can help get your games to millions of users on multiple.

Chess game pigeon piano music. Hunt Challenge contains over 60 different hunting scenarios!

When you choose this package you'll find wild boars, grouses, pheasants, partridges, mallards and moose. Compete in one scenario at a time or set up a competition with several events and participants, the system takes care of it all!

Team and Single Tournament formats

Each with Birds, Boar, Moose, or a Mix of these.
Test your skills at 3 levels of difficulty and 3 different distances.
Looking for some variety? These games have 3 locations to choose from: Porter Creek, Emerald Trail and Atlin Mire

Quick Games include:

Duels, Bird, Partridge, Pheasant, Mallard, Grouse, Boar, Hills, Mire, Meadow, Wintry Road, Deforestation, Spanish Hills, Ravine, Hunting Trail, Mallard, Moose, Forest, Meadow, Deforestation, and Mire.

Game Pigeon Online

Single Games include:

Virtual Pigeon Game For Thrones

Bird (Compete/Practice; Normal/Hard), Partridge, Pheasant, Mallard, Grouse, Boar, (Compete/Practice), Hills, Mire, Meadow, Wintry Road, Deforestation, Spanish Hills, Ravine, Hunting Trail, Moose (Compete/Practice; Drive Hunting/Spot and Stalk), Forest, Meadow, Deforestation, Mire

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